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  • Writer's pictureMike Fagnan

Signs it's time to replace your air conditioner

Is your air conditioner acting up just as you need it most? A broken AC is the last thing you want to deal with on a hot summer day. While an emergency service call from Fagnan’s Furnace Service can get your air conditioner back up and running, sometimes the best thing you can do is replace the whole unit.

Here are five signs that it’s time to upgrade your AC.

1. Your AC is older than 10-15 years old.

Air conditioners typically last between 10 to 15 years with proper maintenance. You may extend its life a little longer if you have been diligent with professional upkeep, repairs, or retrofitting. However, all air conditioners need replacing eventually. Once your AC reaches its tenth year, be mindful of how much you’re willing to spend on repairs. For an aging unit, replacing may be the wiser choice.

2. It’s breaking down consistently.

As mentioned, there comes a time when you can no longer justify the cost of repeatedly repairing an old air conditioner. When this happens, you’re better off investing in a new model. After all, frequent AC breakdowns quickly become expensive. At Fagnan’s Furnace Service, we can advise you when you should repair or replace your air conditioner.

3. It uses R-22 Freon.

Older air conditioners use a refrigerant called R-22, also known as Freon. However, R-22 was banned once scientists learned that Freon depletes the ozone layer. As a result, you can no longer purchase AC units that use R-22 in Canada. Because of environmental concerns and high maintenance costs, replacing your AC is best.

4. Your energy bills are too high.

HVAC technology has come a long way. Modern AC units are far more energy-efficient than their predecessors, resulting in greater energy savings. On the other hand, older air conditioners use a lot more energy to do the same job.

Running an older, inefficient unit means higher bills for you. If you want to save money on your monthly utility bills and reduce the strain on your HVAC system, consider upgrading to a unit that uses the latest energy-saving technology.

5. Your house isn’t cooling down.

If your AC fails to cool your home, that’s a clear sign something is wrong. It could be a minor issue you can repair easily and at a low cost or point to a bigger and more expensive problem. Your AC specialist at Fagnan’s Furnace Service can help!

Upgrade to a Carrier AC today!

Carrier is the world leader in HVAC technologies. They are industry innovators with a proven track record of reliability, energy efficiency, and superb quality. By choosing Carrier as your next air conditioner provider, you’ll take advantage of long-term energy savings and have peace of mind.

Fagnan’s Furnace Service is a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer. If you want to save money on your monthly energy bills, stay cool in summer, and utilize greener technologies, then upgrading to a new Carrier air conditioner is recommended. We help you choose the best model for your home and then offer professional maintenance services to keep it running perfectly.

Contact us to book an appointment!

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